New (and already claimed) Winners!!!!

Oaky well, rafflecopter is being a bit difficult since I am on my phone. I did get the list of names of the winners, I will share them here with you. The winners will have to get me their shipping info within 24 hours of the time I post the list, email me at The prize will be listed by your name. So here we go:
1. Elixir Lacquer Powder keg - Anna Bednarski-CLAIMED
2. Elixer Lacquer With a K -Scott T. -CLAILMED
3. Pretty Face, Happy Bank prize - Toni R. - CLAIMED
4. Girly Bits Arctic Sunrise - Marta Mosqueda -CLAIMED
5. Polish Monster Minis-Jennifer Kayi-CLAIMED
6. Daring Digits winners choice - Jen Amaro - CLAIMED
7. Perception Lacquer - Denise Stanley -CLAIMED
8. Crazy for Lacquer - Teagan N (verify gfc name to confirm correct winner) -CLAIMED
9. FeverShadow - Bailey F. (verify gfc name to confirm correct winner) -CLAIMED
10. 1st set of 2 minis -Lisa Dennen-CLAIMED
11. 2nd set of 2 minis -KELLYSKOLORS
12. 3rd set of 2 minis -Mindy Johnson-CLAIMED
13. Sonnetarium - JRT (verify gfc name to confirm correct winner) - CLAIMED
14. Shimmer Polish - Jen's Nail Files-Claimed
Thank you to everyone that entered and Congrats to all the winners. Better luck next time to every one else (myself included!). Stick around because I am planning some more super stuff!!
Have a great day and don't forget to smile, you never know whose looking :)
New winners have until Saturday at 2:00pm CST to get me their shipping info.


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