Holy Moly!!! Versatile blogger award!!

So yesterday I got the liebster award and today I found out I got the Versatile Blogger award!! Wow!! And big thank you to the wonderful blogger who nominated me for it:  Absolutely Cee, head on over and check out her great blog! So here's what I have to do for this:

  1. Nominate 15 fellow bloggers who are relatively new to blogging.
  2. Let them know that you have nominated them.
  3. Share 7 random facts about yourself.
  4. Thank the blogger(s) who nominated you.
  5. Add the Versatile Blogger Award picture to your blog post.
1) Here are my 15:
  1.  College Polished 
  2.  Kyotis Nails 
  3.  Bound to Beauty 
  4.  Lacquered Love 
  5.  I'm all polished off! 
  6.  Fashion Footing 
  7.  BeautyGnome 
  8.  Adventures of the Nail Friends 
  9.  Pretty and Polished Pointers 
  10.  Totally Lacquer Obsessed 
  11.  Lacquer Pamper 
  12.  Sincerely Stephanie
  13.  Munchy's Nails
  14.  Kellys Kolors
  15.  Miss Sparkle Diva

2) I will be emailing those who have email address in their contact info, others I will comment on Facebook or blog posts so they see them.

3) 7 Random Facts about me:
  1. I am 28 years old (I think, I don't keep track anymore, lol)
  2. I have been married to my great husband for going on 7 years.
  3. I have 3 wonderful kids, Bailey almost 7, Teagan 5, and John just turned 4
  4. I went to college for General Business Management and have never used it :(
  5. I really love pink!
  6. I drive a Ford F-250 Diesel and when I'm not driving that I drive a 5 speed Jetta!
  7. I live in a VERY small town with a large bat population (not cool).
4) I will again say THANK YOU!!!! To Absolutely Cee, you should check out her great blog!! Oh and if you click on my Versatile blogger award at the bottom of my page it will take you to her page! So will the very cute Polishaholic's badge I grabbed from her :) Thank you for that too!

5) The picture is at the top of the Post and at the bottom of my page!


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